Designing Resilient Teams

1 min readMay 19, 2020

Individuals are inherently resilient. There is no shortage of evidence of the human capacity to withstand and rebound from adversity, however painful and overwhelming it may be.

Team resilience is a distinct capability. It is not simply the aggregate resilience of its individual members nor is it an innate quality. Resilience must be fostered and thoughtfully incorporated into the team’s design.

Do we all know why we, as a team, need to exist?

Are we skilled enough to get the job done?

Are we diverse enough to manage complexity?

Are we aligned in our understanding of what strengthens our teamwork and what weakens it?

Are we confident in our capacity to deliver as an interdependent unit? If not, do we practice?

Do we feel supported to take risks, to take initiative, to challenge assumptions or to ask for additional support when needed?

If there is any ambiguity or ambivalence in your answers to these questions, it would be safe to assume that it is shared by others within your team. Without alignment on these fundamental questions, teams are vulnerable and so are the individuals that comprise them.




KITE is a global consulting firm specialized in supporting leaders and leadership teams within the humanitarian and development space.